#SRAcon 2010

SRAcon 2010

So Its SRAcon again, this year in Nottingham, hosted by FlyFM.

End of March is the time 29th thru 31st, with a nice little trade fair on the 29th, which I shall be exhibiting at as the Chart Show Co-ordinator.

Just been looking thru the schedule, for the two and a half days.

Looks like some interesting stuff… tho techie drinks does still sound like a good plan.

Interesting News, the Administrative Officers are now Appointed, not voted for…

Like last year, I’m currently considering applying for Web and Chart again.

We shall see.

Anyway, see those of you in Nott’s when the time comes….

jQuery Coverflow, my First Plugin

My first jQuery Plugin: Coverflow

So I’ve been working on this for a while, based on a few googles searches (see this post for details.

Thru other posts on this subject I’ve chronicled my work, and youtubed a few videos, I’ve now deployed it and re factored it to a jQuery plugin. And fixed a bug so it works in IE as well as other browsers, was throwing a odd childelement error in IE8 of all things.

So, my jQuery Coverflow is live at the LSRfm.com Podcasts Page, I’ll probably be fiddling with the code locally to tidy it and make it better, but it works quite happily as a jQuery plugin now.

Heres how to use it on your site, if you are so inclined, stay tuned for updates :-).

The Plugin requires jQuery UI for the Slider, and jCarousel for the Flowy-ness, it relies on the jQuery stock animation suite as well.

In the head

<script src="/path_to_js/jquery.coverflow.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

In the Body

<ul id="coverflow">
        <li><a href="/some_link/"><img src="/someimage.png" alt="A Title" /></a></li>

<script type="text/javascript">

Like with any jQuery Plugin you can pass it some options/settings.

  • total_items – total items in the carousel/flow, if 0 auto determines
  • sider_start – the start point, leave null for middle, or number for that number or rnd for random
  • targetflow – id of the ul with the items in
  • sliderflow – id of the div to hold the slider
  • titleflow – id to hold the title elements
  • largesize – size as a int, so 200 for 200px, of the image currently in the middle of the flow
  • smallsize – smaller size
  • speed – speed in microseconds so 3s is 3000
  • scroll – leave this as one
  • visible – how many items to be in the viewing pane at once default 3
  • animation – animation speed, if 0 takes it from speed

Essentially all the needs to be set is the names for targetflow, sliderflow, and titleflow, tho if you use the default names (coverflow, slider, coverflow_title) you don’t even need that.

Things I need to add to the plugin.

Auto generate the slider div if not present and add the relevant css to it.
Do a check to see if the item about to be highlight contains an image or not, and animate accordingly.

In theory this can support any type of content but an item of:

<li><a><img /></a></li>

works best.

You can grab a tar of the file at Coverflow_001 (4256 downloads )

Questsions? Feedback? Suggestions?

Comments below 🙂


Currently there is a small bug where in some browsers (so far Chrome and Safari), post load and setup, its not sliding to the desired element, the slider is moved, but the carousel does not.

MacHeist nanoBundle 2

MacHeist nanoBundle2, get some Apps, Help a Charity or 10

So, its my first MacHeist!

I’ve been aware of MacHeist for a while, but since I now own a Mac I am participating.

MacHeist to me is a way to get software, on the cheap, as well as donating money to charity.

The apps available this time around are:

  • MacJournal
  • RipIt
  • Clips
  • CoverScout
  • Flow
  • Tales of Monkey Island
  • RapidWeaver

This as a bundle costs $260, but you get it all for $19.95, with 25% going to your choice of charity, or, as I selected, spreading it between all the charities listed on http://www.macheist.com/.

The Apps

MacJournal from what I can tell is just a diary, so something I’m not likely to use.

RipIt is DVD ripping, which could be useful when I want to rip something out for Motion Graphics, or making any animation type work.

Clips is a Clipboard manager, so keeps a history of stuff you have copied/cut out of a program for recall a old clipboard entry.

Coverscout, is a audio data fixer, ID3 tags for example.

Flow, is a FTP client, with decent inbuilt editing capacity as well as ready access to Web storage like Amazon S3, but lacks SCP support.

Tales of Monkey Island, is of course part of the Monkey Island series, tho 50,000 bundles need to be purchased in order to unlock it.
At the time of writing 17,250 bundles have been sold. Raising $84,979 for Charity.

Finally RapidWeaver appears to be akin to dreamweaver, thats also locked, its unlock requirements hidden for the time.

Not forgetting that Squeeze fell off the MacHeist truck last week as a free app, it compresses the folders you tell it to watch, in order to free up space on your system without making the files unusable.
Useful if your running short of space, I currently have it watching my Personal folder, it tells me it has saved just under 500Mb.

Most of my HD is full of VM’s and MP3’s, ignoring software so, they won’t get compressed much….

So if you have a Mac and don’t know about MacHeist, check it out, and if one of the app’s is useful to you, buy the bundle, and help some charities!

Coverflow with jQuery V1.5 (an Update)

A jQuery Coverflow Update

So been working on my coverflow from: This post.

Been trying to make it a better replication, tho have some problems with reflections, so decided to skip that for a bit and work on scrolling, with steps greater than one.
I’ve had some hiccups with the animation again, so will have to consider ripping that out and redoing it.

The animation being the size alterations to the podcast cover images.

So heres the YouTube Demo of the Coverflow with the Slider working, and the traditional links updating the slider value.

Also when I get this to a working level, gonna need to redo the Version Numbers 😛

When I get this working nicely, it will be rather useful, both for LSRfm.com and personal use, since it will rotate any content inside a li, tho if theres an img it will do the resizing.

Perhaps drawing inspiration from the game covers rotator on Game.co.uk as well, we shall see….

jQuery Coverflow

My jQuery Coverflow….

So I’ve been hunting round for a coverflow plugin for jQuery.

Google search turned up both Blarnee Demo (or Blarnee Blog Post) and Paul Bakaus, both of which are quite good but don’t advise much on the use or implementation of.

Both of which are demos, using parts of jQuery and the jQuery UI, or elements of Canvas (which has been throwing odd errors in my firebug)

The second still being sat in the labs part of the UI svn, and not been touched for 6 months.

So further hunting found me, content flow, which looks quite good, but I couldn’t get it to implement properly or do quite what I wanted too, without throwing lots of errors and not working.

So, I thought about it for a while and heres the first result.

Video done on Mac Quicktime Player, (screen recording), web deploying soon…

I’ve used the jCarousel Plugin, which I already use on LSRfm.com for the LSRfm.com Twitter Rotator.

And using its callback functions and elements of jQuery’s animate library. I’ve created this iTunes/Apple Coverflow effect, still some work to do, and make it nice and configurable, so others can easily implement it, perhaps even make it and extension to jCarousel…

So a future blog post will describe the Javascript I used, and how to implement it.