Author: Barry Carlyon
Its snowing currently #uksnow ls2 6/10 and I’m the first person into work today, glad I took work’s keys home last night then 🙂
Check out the #UKsnow map, powered by Twitter and Ben Marsh – http://www.benmarsh.co.uk/snow/
Life Since the last Post
Yes, I’m still rubbish at updating my blog regularrly.
Yes, I’m rubbish at updating my blog.
So its the new year and suppose I should keep up with it.
In recent news I am no longer single, I go out with the Wonderful Kayleigh.
I’m currently sat at my temporary desk in Stage @ Leeds, (just finished painting a Door Blue and waiting for it to finish drying)
LSRfm.com – Leeds Student Radio is ticking over.
Just did a massive 19 hour shift over New Years for Wax:On over at LUU, quite good fun, running the lights in the Terrace again, didn’t blow up the rig this time which is always a bonus, last time I blew a Atomic 3000, and it tripped the whole rig out….. We think its a manufacturing fault.
So coming soon, back to degree!
Which means 360gaming [dot] net is gonna get some work done to it finally…. Its my project for my degree, bonus!
Tho I should really get on with Data Mining’s essay and my Critical Thinking Essay, total of 6000 words to write by the 14th.
Off to meet the guys from Muze.tv for SRA Chart stuff this weekend.
I have a 17″ on its way to me!
So stay tuned for new Mac goodness! As well as regular updatage!
General Update
Crikey its been busy, so here is a quick update, and some stuff about Programming Language Speed
Yes I knows, I needs to update my blog more.
I’ve been pretty busy working over at Stage 1 these past couple of weeks, I had to hack the Congo, the theatres Lighting desk, to teach it how to talk to Stage’s new ETC 1 Port Nodes. The Congo runs Windows XP, and I know a few backdoors 🙂
I was reading Binary Hex’s Post on Language Speeds today, and was suprised at the Slow-ness of Ruby, and indeed of Perl, I used to program Perl, but response speed times are not something I tend to notice for languages, I worry mroe about Web Server response and loading times.
I’ve been neglecting AptitudeCMS, just through sheer business.
Hell I’m supposed to be at Work right now, just waiting in LSRfm.com Offices for my Co-Worker to arrive. Gotta love Flexitime!
SRA wise, I need to build an online sign up form for the National Student Radio Chart, which I need to start organising. Broadcast and Freshers week dates are getting close.
Not forgetting the upcoming SRA Training Day in Birmigham on the 12th, that should be good.
The day after that (13th) I have my first non union techie shift, down at the Queen’s Hotel in Leeds City Center, should be good and promises to lead to other things one hopes, we shall see.
Its all go here, just waiting for some stuff from other people and then time to kick into high gear!
Anywho I must go, time to go to work, will remember to post soon!
So its been a while
The end and a Beginning
GSoC 2009 is over.
Got SVN running (stupid thing I know), so know have committed my work to the AptitudeCMS Repo. Still some mintor bits to work out, but the XML/ATOM output via Zend Feed is working, adding and editing items work, haven’t quite figured out item deletion yet.
Not sure how much time one will have during term time to remain involved but we shall see.
Not tho I have picked up a Job at Stage One, the PCI department of Leeds University.
Spent most of the day hacking the Congo, the Stage1 Lighting Desk, to work with the new network nodes. Rather good fun!
Anyway Freshers week is coming, which means lots of shifts at work, which will be fun but busy, we shall see.
Hopefully I will remember to write my blog some more too!