So, its my first MacHeist!
I’ve been aware of MacHeist for a while, but since I now own a Mac I am participating.
MacHeist to me is a way to get software, on the cheap, as well as donating money to charity.
The apps available this time around are:
- MacJournal
- RipIt
- Clips
- CoverScout
- Flow
- Tales of Monkey Island
- RapidWeaver
This as a bundle costs $260, but you get it all for $19.95, with 25% going to your choice of charity, or, as I selected, spreading it between all the charities listed on http://www.macheist.com/.
The Apps
MacJournal from what I can tell is just a diary, so something I’m not likely to use.
RipIt is DVD ripping, which could be useful when I want to rip something out for Motion Graphics, or making any animation type work.
Clips is a Clipboard manager, so keeps a history of stuff you have copied/cut out of a program for recall a old clipboard entry.
Coverscout, is a audio data fixer, ID3 tags for example.
Flow, is a FTP client, with decent inbuilt editing capacity as well as ready access to Web storage like Amazon S3, but lacks SCP support.
Tales of Monkey Island, is of course part of the Monkey Island series, tho 50,000 bundles need to be purchased in order to unlock it.
At the time of writing 17,250 bundles have been sold. Raising $84,979 for Charity.
Finally RapidWeaver appears to be akin to dreamweaver, thats also locked, its unlock requirements hidden for the time.
Not forgetting that Squeeze fell off the MacHeist truck last week as a free app, it compresses the folders you tell it to watch, in order to free up space on your system without making the files unusable.
Useful if your running short of space, I currently have it watching my Personal folder, it tells me it has saved just under 500Mb.
Most of my HD is full of VM’s and MP3’s, ignoring software so, they won’t get compressed much….
So if you have a Mac and don’t know about MacHeist, check it out, and if one of the app’s is useful to you, buy the bundle, and help some charities!