Mac, OBS and Streaming Audio Right

OBS has for some time been working on it’s new version of OBS which is called OBS studio, and is cross platform. Finally we are free from having to faff about with WireCast, we can now just plug and play and Stream away. BUT WAIT it’s not just that simple!

If you ever tried Minecraft’s in game streaming it will at least (force) prompt you to download additional required software to get you going.

This software (whilst not needed, (well it’s not but you are a idiot if you don’t setup your audio properly)) will get your Audio going properly on OBS streaming when you are not using additional Hardware.

This piece of software is called Soundflower, and is an example of Virtual Audio Cabling, which basically creates a software based Sound Card inside your computer in order to route audio more usefully!


So first things first, grab yourself a copy of OBS Studio, you can find the latest version on GitHub here. Download and install!

Next we’ll grab a copy of SoundFlower which is on their site here or GitHub here.

SoundFlower will need you to restart your Computer.

Getting Setup

Lets fire up OBS Studio:

OBS 0.9.1

I’ve got a few extra scenes setup, but this is the layout you’ll be presented with!

We are going to add a source, (first make a scene of course) in this case a “Audio Output Capture”

Audio Selection

And then, to keep things simple, just select the SoundFlower 2 Channel. We don’t need to do anything wacky.

Input Select

Finally we need to change the Sound Settings under System Preferences. So open System Preferences and Sound. And select Soundflower (2ch) as the Output device.

System Prefs Sound

Now suddenly everything will go quiet as all your audio is being sent to OBS/Soundflower: (it’s good to check that OBS is actually detecting at this point)

Audio Monitoring

We need to route the Audio from your computer via Soundflower back to Speakers/headphones. For this open SoundflowerBed:


It’s under Applications/Soundflower, this fires up a Menu Item in the Top Dock

Top Menu

Just click that, and send the Soundflower (2ch) back to “Built in Output/headphones” And now both you and OBS can hear everything.

Soundflower Routing

Your computer’s audio is now sent to this device and captured by OBS.

(You can tell as my mic here is picking up my speakers):


And there we go 🙂


(Billy May’s Voice) BUT WAIT THERES MORE!

Xbox 360 Controller on Mac under Yosemite?

Unofficial Release 0.14 works fine and it’s on GitHub here


Now what do you do if you get Beachball of Death when trying to use the SoundflowerBed Icon from the menu?

First open Terminal (sorry).
Then type:

ps aux | grep

Then you’ll see something like this:

SoundflowerBed Hunt

Then type:

kill 9331

Where 9331 is replaced with the number here:

SoundflowerBed Kill

It is VERY important you kill the right thing. As otherwise you might break something and have to restart the whole computer.

Once you have kill’ed SoundflowerBed, just reopen and all should be good.

Further Reading: Some Tips from Tuts+

SOLD and All Change!

So I left my job at Vanguard SEO as the start of this year for two reasons, one got a better job offer, and two the company went bankrupt. Not very lolworthy.

Anywho, I have been contracting for NewMedias, as a PHP Developer, since September Freelance style, and more 9-5 contracting during January and then NewMedias overlord Apeei, sold the company for mere bananas to CodingFutures, and then they offered me a job, so there I am now as a PHP Developer! And now we are nearly at the end of week two of my new job.

This week we had some nice photos done heres me and the rest of the team!

So these days I find myself working on YourMembers a WordPress plugin for Subscription and post control among other things. As well as the plugins for it. I built from the ground up YSS – Your Secure Stream, which can create links with expiry for Amazon S3 Hosted content, so people who use WordPres can provide Audio and Video, whilst protecting that content too! It plugs in to FlowPlayer and Longtails JWPlayer, some of the more commonly used players.

This week I’ve been working on the Mail/AutoResponder Plugin. Its been going well and should hopefully be finished soon 😀

Thru my work I’ve been getting to know WordPress more and the most useful link I’ve found today, is how to integrate TinyMCE, the Visual/HTML editor for WordPress, into your own Plugins. I’ve expanded on some of the code from the second link for the Visual/HTML editor switch, in order to handle multiple instances of TinyMCE on a page, as well as the core code. Mainly since the page I am using TinyMCE on, is generated thru a Form Generation Class I didn’t write and should at some point redo, its a nice class but has some interesting caveats and limitations. Let along the fact I havn’t managed to get WordPress using my usual jQuery DateTime Picker I like, since WordPress uses a old version of jQuery and jQuery UI, and if you load latest, its gonna break someone else’s plugin, installed on a client site, and to top it all WordPress loads the jQueryUI CSS for the latest version for Google CDN.

On a side note using Google CDN’s jQuery is very good and better, check this link for reasoning, and this one for implementation (in general not just WordPress).

I think the key point for using Google Code hosted jQuery, is that pages will load quicker, since more domains mean more open HTTP connections, as browsers limit the connections open to a single domain at once. About 6 according to the reasoning link, so more domains means more open HTTP connections which means pages can load more quickly. Let alone the fact that if everyone loads from Google Code, then its cached on the users machine, which means from site a to site b, on site b, user doesn’t have to load jQuery as its already in the Cache. Thus making page loads quicker!

Still need to find a link explaining how to use the WordPress collapse a box, that all the WP-Admin grey bars and boxes do. I have built my own function in jQuery to do it, but it doesn’t (yet) have the cookie elements that WordPress’es own has to remember which are open/closed when the page reloads. Since seem there is no easy documented way on how to use the in built functionality.

Either that or I’ve missed it.

Also lately been working with the MailChimp API, had to laugh at the URL:

On that bomb shell, catch you later, I’ve felt like I’ve rambled on a lot when this post was looking quite short…. Must blog more. Keep an eye on my Tumblr for more real time snippets of stuff, I’m assuming you already follow me on Twitter…..