HAWX, GSoC, Work, Conference, A Summary of the Week!

Well GSoC 2009 first stage is done, applications are now closed, next point on the timeline is the 20th of April, where we find out if we have been accepted.


In other News Work today and Sunday is cancelled since HarderTimez is no longer rocking in the Terrace as well as Stylus. On the up side (sorta) Sage (my bosses Boss) have got us in early on Saturday (well um today), 14 hour shift anyone? (Start 3pm finish 5pm)


I purchased Hawx the other day for my Xbox360, enjoyed the demo. However the story might be a little short, finished in 8 hours, straight, on normal. So will up the difficulty and go again.

Flying with assistance off, is rather different, especially when in Expert Control Mode. But I digress.

Playing over LIVE is rather good too! Not tried Co-Op Yet tho.


Finally its the final two days of prep for the Nation Student Radio Conference, to be held at University of Leeds, with LSRfm.com, and having been given a certain set of keys, life is a hell of a lot easier.


Anywho gonna get on Halo3 Over Live and do some Team Flag, thats this weeks DoubleEXP. Weekend!



Media GSoC Proposal Take 2

Its my GSoC Application for Wordpress Take2! Comments Please Have till 1900UTC to change this

MEDIA – Image Handling!



Direct from the Ideas Page:

“We’ll be looking to add things like slideshows, better gallery functions, creating more user settings for media files and templates”

Initially this will need consultation with the community to see what is needed, in terms of user settings.

Core to this however will be working on the ideas from http://wordpress.org/extend/ideas/topic.php?id=74

I envisage most of this project will be taking existing plugins and folding them into core wordpress, as dictated by the Users and Hackers of WordPress.

Recently been interacting with tumblr and I was fascinated by the experiment mat http://twitter.com/mat/ did, posting his tumblr post address, and the ability to upload images this way, so something similar allowing users to post images in comments to blog posts, could be interesting.


Schedule of Deliverables

GSoC is roughly a 13 week period

Week 1 – 2

Research and Information Sourcing, setting up development blogs.

Week 3 – 4

Work on Thumbnailing and the auto generation, within the browser uploader and the flash uploader, I have experience with flash and AS2/3

Week 5 – 7

Image tagging/working with taxonomy, this from http://wordpress.org/extend/ideas/topic.php?id=74 to allow tag based galleries, as well as time based galleries.

Week 7 – 10

This block will form the bulk of the project

Gallery Functional, initially:

  • Simple gallery,

  • Date/Time Based Gallery, (images posted from a particular month),

  • Tag based gallery,

This leads to different gallery styles, including work with existing plugins, and their authors, to incorporate their work.

This will need to include making sure the new elements are easily includeable within other themes, easily and efficently.

Week 11 – 12

Currently spare time for code overflow.

Week 13

Documentation and Code Checking/Testing


Open Source Development Experience


I contribute (ir)regularly to phpBB, forum software, both as a “modder”, creating and supporting modifications/extra features and assisting users on the forum with posted problems about there own forum, been very busy at Uni this year, hence irregularly.

Last year for GSoC I was working with PHP, on the now aborted one bug tracker to rule them all.

I have/am in the process of building my own Open Source Content Management System written in PHP, CarlyonCMS.


Work/Internship Experience


Only freelance web development work, on stand alone sites and the Facebook Platform, for Applications.

And of course GSoC last year.

I also volunteer at LSRfm.com Leeds Student Radio, I am currently Head of Web Development


Academic Experience


I am currently in my Second Year, studying New Media at the University of Leeds, UK.


Why WordPress?


Basically its difficult to find projects to match my skills set since GSoC tends to have projects that require code to run continuously not single run code like a website.

I nearly applied for WordPress last year, however I came in a little late and applied during the extended application period.



GSoC is an interesting platform, however it can be difficult to find a project, that fits my skill set, I’m not a programming in the sense that one builds a programme to run continuously, but more of a coder who builds websites.

I was the recent winner of the Gary Frisch Bursary for Software in radio, for my Open Source Content Management System, which currently runs the LSRfm.com (Leeds Student Radio) website, (http://LSRfm.com/). This CMS (Carlyon CMS) I will use to form the basis of the web based Client.

I used to be able to program perl, but of late have not had the chane to practice it so my perl is rusty, I am currently learning Ruby on Rails and Coldfusion as well.

My aim in life is to continue working in the MultiPlatform Radio Environment in the UK, which is pretty much what I do at the moment as a Volunteer at LSRfm.com where I am Head of Web Development.

Last year I was involved with the Now Aborted, One Bug Tracker to Rule them all Project over at PHP.

Work Examples:


GSoC WordPress Application!


These days media has become an important part of the web, mainly in terms of cross media and platform.

From twitter to facebook, and images to film, wordpress needs to support everything and anything in a simple to use and understand way.

This needs to include Video, RSS+XML, Images and the related effective ways to show them to a visiting user.



These days media has become an important part of the web, mainly in terms of cross media and platform.


From twitter to facebook, and images to film, wordpress needs to support everything and anything in a simple to use and understand way.


This needs to include Video, RSS+XML, Images and the related effective ways to show them to a visiting user.





Personal Details


Name: Barry Carlyon

Project Elements



Out of the box support for,

Image Upload,

Image Thumbnail Generation, possibly using phpThumb, caching of thumbnail,



Lightbox Gallery,

CopperMine Gallery,

Facebook Style Gallery,

I see the creation of a page, and you pick what style of gallery you want, image selection by tag, category, month it appeared in a post.



Post to twitter,

Post to Facebook (news feed),

Easy method to display Blog on Myspace, or MyspaceBlog Integration

Including http://wordpress.org/extend/ideas/topic.php?id=74


Some of this may involve combining several plugins into core.





Schedule of Deliverables



GSoC is roughly a 13 week period

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8


Twitter/Facebook integration


Week 9


Myspace Blog Integration/Feeding

This will require some research, I’m not sure what MySpace offers to developers off the top of my head.

There are some shortcuts such as using a piece of flash to read the blogs XML/RSS feed and generate from that.


Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13





Open Source Development Experience



I contribute (ir)regularly to phpBB, forum software, both as a “modder”, creating and supporting modifications/extra features and assisting users on the forum with posted problems about there own forum, been very busy at Uni this year, hence irregularly.


Last year for GSoC I was working with PHP, on the now aborted one bug tracker to rule them all.


I have/am in the process of building my own Open Source Content Management System written in PHP, CarlyonCMS.





Work/Internship Experience



Only freelance web development work, on stand alone sites and the Facebook Platform, for Applications.


And of course GSoC last year.


I also volunteer at LSRfm.com Leeds Student Radio, I am currently Head of Web Development





Academic Experience



I am currently in my Second Year, studying New Media at the University of Leeds, UK.





Why WordPress?



Basically its difficult to find projects to match my skills set since GSoC tends to have projects that require code to run continuously not single run code like a website.


I nearly applied for WordPress last year, however I came in a little late and applied during the extended application period.







GSoC is an interesting platform, however it can be difficult to find a project, that fits my skill set, I’m not a programming in the sense that one builds a programme to run continuously, but more of a coder who builds websites.


I was the recent winner of the Gary Frisch Bursary for Software in radio, for my Open Source Content Management System, which currently runs the LSRfm.com (Leeds Student Radio) website, (http://LSRfm.com/). This CMS (Carlyon CMS) I will use to form the basis of the web based Client.


I used to be able to program perl, but of late have not had the chance to practice it so my perl is rusty, I am currently learning Ruby on Rails and Coldfusion as well.


My aim in life is to continue working in the Multi Platform Radio Environment in the UK, which is pretty much what I do at the moment as a Volunteer at LSRfm.com where I am Head of Web Development.


Last year I was involved with the Now Aborted, One Bug Tracker to Rule them all Project over at PHP.