Magento – The missing view type!

Magento has four options when it comes to display products on your e-commerce website:

  1. Not Visible Individually
  2. Catalog
  3. Search
  4. Catalog, Search

Now, normally that about covers most use cases. But if you have configurable products it is somewhat more common place to set the children to Not Visible Individually.

This is great and all, but what if you are using Google Shopping real-time attribute/schema scraping which requires the Child to be visible individually to read those tags (and can be handy for direct to a page when SKU searching on the front end), and you don’t want the children to show in either your category or search grid pages?

This is where an additional catalog visibility type comes in useful, and it is actually very straight forward to achieve!

First setup a basic Magento module/plugin, which I won’t bore you with the complete details of, but we are binding to a model of the Mage Catalog Module under a rewrite!

Set up your


as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Fairly straight forward here, setup a basic module and override Mage/Catalog/Product/Visibility.

Next setup the Model

class Company_Catalog_Model_Product_Visibility extends Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Visibility {
    const VISIBILITY_PAGE = 5;
    public function getVisibleInSiteIds()
    static public function getOptionArray()
        return array(
            self::VISIBILITY_NOT_VISIBLE=> Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Not Visible Individually'),
            self::VISIBILITY_IN_CATALOG => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Catalog'),
            self::VISIBILITY_IN_SEARCH  => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Search'),
            self::VISIBILITY_BOTH       => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Catalog, Search'),
            self::VISIBILITY_PAGE       => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Own Page Only')
     * Retrieve all options
     * @return array
    static public function getAllOption()
        $options = self::getOptionArray();
        array_unshift($options, array('value'=>'', 'label'=>''));
        return $options;
     * Retireve all options
     * @return array
    static public function getAllOptions()
        $res = array();
        $res[] = array('value'=>'', 'label'=> Mage::helper('catalog')->__('-- Please Select --'));
        foreach (self::getOptionArray() as $index => $value) {
            $res[] = array(
               'value' => $index,
               'label' => $value
        return $res;
     * Retrieve option text
     * @param int $optionId
     * @return string
    static public function getOptionText($optionId)
        $options = self::getOptionArray();
        return isset($options[$optionId]) ? $options[$optionId] : null;

First of all we add a new Constant, logically named


and we give it the next free “id” of 5. (Check core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Visibility.php for the base list).

Next the important function


tells Magento which Products to allow to be shown individually, so we just add our constant to the array here.

All the other functions deal with rendering the new Visibility type in the admin interface for editing products (as otherwise the parent functions are used and they can’t “see” the new visibility type).

As per usual when you add/edit a new module make sure to clear the cache accordingly!

That is it all done, short and sweet!

Fun with and Twitter Cards

I was trying to figure out why my Twitter Cards weren’t working when I was tinkering with someone else’s WordPress install.

Turns out at some point Twitter decided to follow the redirect and grab the page behind is differently.

So, now you need to whitelist your domain rather than

To do that pop along to The Card Validator with one of your none Blog Post URL’s in hand and pop it in the validator box.


Click request approval, fill in the little form and wack submit! It might throw an error but retest your page and all should be good!


Give it a few minutes:


And Finally:


A working Tweet!

Updated like so:


My CV and some other Updates

Just a quick post to say hello.

I’ve updated my CV and tidied it up a little.
So any feedback on it would be useful! (Drop Me a Line rather than a Comment please)
Link in the SideBar on the right!

I should really write on my blog some more, but not a lot to write about of late.
JetPack Extras is doing OK, but JetPack core decided to implement the main feature I added, that being Pinterest but, Extras has evolved, it still of course has the ability to control button placement and has the extra Twitter Via/Related options, and the ability to share the shortened URL, makes a nice Twitter Card, embedding a short Preview of the Post with the Tweet, (check this Meta Tweet for an example) works with any url you share on Twitter by the way!

Most useful, mainly updated to keep up with JetPack core and use the new shiny hooks they have.
You can check it out on extend. Feedback/request are always Welcome!

Made a couple of tweaks and updates to the Blog in the background, added a better 404 page and updated the .htaccess rules, I have all subdomains pointing to the here, (unless their is a separate to show), so its a good idea to redirect non sites to here, rather than duplicating the content.
Also tweaked the Root .htaccess to have a Error Document (404) since it was just standard Apache Error, bit nasty, but now better, LOLCATS TO THE RESCUE! 😀

Heres a extract of the rules, if you find it useful/handy:

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^  
RewriteRule ^(.*)${REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
ErrorDocument 404
ErrorDocument 403

Next thing to do, is probably update and replace the MineCraft Server Site probably using Twitter Bootstrap as a new basis. It’s now a whitelisted server for Armchair Heroes or on Facebook, but of late I’ve been getting my MineCraft fix playing over at PhantomCraft, like a lot of open Servers I tend to get robbed/cleaned out and griefed a lot, but then again I am a little close to spawn. It’s a fun server to play on and the regulars are quite nice.

Hopefully moving further away when I get a chance to play some more, thinks are pretty busy at the moment between Magento fun at Day Job and Freshers Fun at the Union.

Then I really should get the Portfolio page on the Blog fixed up to showcase what I’ve done before, since I am a Freelance Web Developer (you got any work going or want a quote for? (Drop me a line)

So a couple more weeks and we’ll be back to the usual grind.
Hopefully I will have more to write about soon!

Facebook Credits, the Order ID, and dealing with large integers in 32 bit PHP

So, currently at work I’ve been rewriting all our Payment Gateways for Your Members. Making them more better Class based an abstracting out the common functions to a base class, to save memory footprint and code etc.

And came across a problem when rewriting the Facebook Credits handler.

The order ID that gets passed around, as well as the Application ID is too long for a 32 Bit PHP installation to handle when treating it as an Integer.

So a number like “239724439419867” was ending up as “1.7592246582797E+14” when stored/processed, or converted to a string.
Now the obvious way to process this is to convert it to a string another way, which is somewhat difficult since before you even start it is in a format that you can’t handle.

The saving grace here is the fact that data is passed to you as a JSON packet (aside from the fact the Order ID is in the $_POST variable and thus a string, so I could of used it from there).

This led to me to look at the JSON packet, which starts as a string but when decoded the large integers are still a larger integer than can be processed (whether you json_decode to a Array or to an Object, the problem persists). So I thought about how to process the raw JSON packet and make sure the order ID, and other large integers are treated as strings.

If you look at a Raw JSON packet you can easily spot whats a string, integer, object or array.

Take this example Facebook Credits JSON Packet, (wrapped for readability):

"description":"A New Purchasable Post",
"image_url":"<some url>","product_url":"<some other url>",
  • order_id is an integer as it has no ” around it
  • status is a string as its surrounded by “
  • Items is an array as its surrounded by [, in this case containing a single object, entries/items are comma separated.

So after thinking about this I decided the best way to sort this out was to convert the integers in the raw JSON packet to strings before decoding.

In pseudo code.

Lop off the { and } from the start and end
Explode around ,
array walk each item
split on :
check if there are no " in the second bit
if none wrap in "
glue back together

Something alone the lines of:

function largeint($rawjson) {
  $rawjson = substr($rawjson, 1, -1);
  $rawjson = explode(',' , $rawjson);
  array_walk($rawjson, 'strfun');
  $rawjson = implode(',', $rawjson);
  $rawjson = '{', . $rawjson . '}';
  $json = json_decode($rawjson);
  return $json;

function strfun(&$entry, $key) {
  $data = explode(':', $entry);
  if (FALSE === strpos($data[1], '"')) {
    $data[1] = '"' . $data[1] . '"';
    $entry = implode(':', $data);

I’m not sure in terms of memory footprint if its cheaper to do a substr of $data[1] and check if its a ” or not.
I suppose it could test the string length of the detected integer to see if its invalid/unable to process, but then you would be performing a string function on an integer and again the problem would arise.

But as a block of code is does the job, its obviously not ideal for all situations, since in this case I want the integer as a string, I’m not using it for math, but if I did, we probably need to do some bizarre unpack-ing or something.

Any opinions or improvements give us a comment below 😀

Travels of a Commercial WordPress Plugin Developer 1

My job at the moment is updating and coding YourMembers, which is a commercial plugin for WordPress.

Recently I’ve been working on a method to Auto Upgrade the plugin, since commercial plugins cannot go on Extend, and there is no commercial equivalent. Extend being the WordPress plugin repository.

Commercial plugins get no nice little “Plugin needs updating Circle” on the plugins tab, or a nice little message on the plugins page, let alone access to the auto updater!

Which leaves us (commercial plugin devs) to write our own version checkers and hook in accordingly.

So now I have a nice little PHP class which will detect whether it can fwrite/rename and if not if it can FTP instead, much the same as the WordPress updater does.

Now this is all well and good, but I needed a method to download and unzip the new plugin file. Grabbing the file is easy, either file_get_contents (heaven forbid), or curl (yay for curl), and write the file (being a zip) to the web servers temporary directory and process from there.

Now the problem here is how to unzip. A Brief look at how WordPress does it seems to show it has three different methods of unzipping. So dump that.

Didn’t feel the need to use PHP’s ZipArchive class, since I don’t need to edit the zip, just extract its contents.

Off to I go and I find some nice handy functions, and quite surprised to find that the zip_read function can handily recurs into directories within the zip file to return their paths/names. Mildly annoying at the time as I had gone and written a recur loop to go inside directories…. and got thrown a error, nice headdesk moment!

So basically the Zip functions, the basic ones of PHP, are actually quite nice, handy and useful!

Heres my code snippet:

class someclass() {
	private function unpack() {
		$from = $this->tmp_write;
		$to = $this->tmp_out;
		$zip = zip_open($from);
		if (is_resource($zip)) {
		} else {
			// failed to open
			$this->error = 1;
	private function readzip($zip) {
		$from = $this->tmp_write;
		$to = $this->tmp_out;
		echo '</pre><textarea style="width: 100%; height: 100px;">';
		while (FALSE !== ($file = zip_read($zip))) {
			$name = zip_entry_name($file);
			echo $name . "\n";
			if (!strpos($name, '.')) {
				// is dir
				@mkdir($to . '/' . $name);
			} else {
				// it recurs into directorys on its own!
				$item = zip_entry_open($zip, $file);
				$size = zip_entry_filesize($file);
				$read = zip_entry_read($file, $size);
				$fp = fopen($to . '/' . $name, 'w');
				fwrite($fp, $read);
		echo '</textarea><pre>';

I just installed this code snippet plugin, which I might need to change its background colours…..

Any suggestions for code snippet plugins greatly appreciated!