Coverflow with jQuery V1.5 (an Update)

A jQuery Coverflow Update

So been working on my coverflow from: This post.

Been trying to make it a better replication, tho have some problems with reflections, so decided to skip that for a bit and work on scrolling, with steps greater than one.
I’ve had some hiccups with the animation again, so will have to consider ripping that out and redoing it.

The animation being the size alterations to the podcast cover images.

So heres the YouTube Demo of the Coverflow with the Slider working, and the traditional links updating the slider value.

Also when I get this to a working level, gonna need to redo the Version Numbers 😛

When I get this working nicely, it will be rather useful, both for and personal use, since it will rotate any content inside a li, tho if theres an img it will do the resizing.

Perhaps drawing inspiration from the game covers rotator on as well, we shall see….