Hopefully gonna start writing again, (not the first time I’ve said that, so we’ll see how we go!)
Anywho, I do currently find myself unemployed after quitting my previous Job on Monday, nothing on my part but the actions of others leading to the actions of others forcing my hand.
I am currently deciding what to do next!
If you know whom I used to work for you can go look it up yourself, I don’t feel the need to talk about it myself.
I am continuing to do various bits and pieces for the Streamers I work with on Twitch, so nothing has changed there, I’m just out of full time work!
So today ends my first week of my Manchester based job at Fred Aldous. Currently this means I’ve been commuting to and from Manchester every day.
Currently my journey goes
My House
Burley Park
Leeds train station
Manchester Piccadilly
Short walk
And of course the reverse!
So far it’s been difficult to get a seat but I don’t mind standing since it is some form of exercise 😛
Anyway, what really annoys me is when a train arrives at a station and people gravitate towards the doors.
They do it in such a way so that it makes it difficult for people to get off. Which aside from being a pain in the arse do them, the moment there is a gap people start piling on, and of course at peak times there is always a person or two stuck in the aisle trying to get off whilst people are piling on the train.
Inevitably this causes delays as the piling on lot have to stop and clear a route for those getting off to get off.
/Begin Rant/
Why can’t people just take a step or to back and not be in such a rush! If you let people get off and just give everyone some space. I’m sure it will be better for everyone involved and potentially help keep the trains on time at these peak times!
/End Rant/
Anyway my first week hasn’t been to bad. But more on my new job in another post. Currently standing on a train! Trying to publish this blog post in the little windows of coverage I get! And we appear to be following a slow moving train!
Of the three projects, all met their funding goals, and one of them is actually complete.
Oddly it is the project I backed Last!
Lunatik Taktik
Commence Unpacking, in 3,2,1….
With Taktik I went for the $250 band, so in black, the Anodised Aluminium case with the upgraded Gorilla Glass Lens, for the iPhone 4S (and the iPhone 5 case, so when I potentially upgrade I have a case ready for it!)
I received in the post last week, my brand spanking new Taktik iPhone case.
After a quick unpack, and taking it apart. (It has 6 screws and comes with the tool to do so).
Bolting it on to my phone. The First thing you notice is the increase in weight and bulk. Or as I put it
Me and my Taktik-ised iPhone
So far its proven quite rugged and effective. Tho its not had any major drops or falls (only a couple of minor ones and a 3 foot fall from my desk).
The general abilities of the case is that it increase the iPhone’s water probability, and keeps the dust out, as well as being more drop proof. All that without a drop in audio or signal quality. In somes cases it actually improves the audio quality, as the channels to the Mic and from the Speaker are more enclosed.
And quite handily has a decent access port/cover for the headphone socket, and for the charger (although it can be a bit fiddly, the depth is nearly as deep as the charging cables block is).
But I do love my new iPhone case, it’s rather beautiful! (And mine is serial 0957), and I don’t mind the additional bulk or weight, and don’t have any issues using the screen edges, even if the depth between the top of the case and the screen is enough to be a little fiddly to start with.
So overall all 10/10, I love my Taktik. And it should keep my iPhone 4S going and going and going.
Tho to be fair, my iPhone 3G was pretty rugged, and kept going and going, (tho by the time I upgraded, it had no power button, no volume controls and not very easy access to the Mute switch, then I dropped it one too many times and put a crack on the LCD, not the glass covering it). In the end it got smashed against a table in the pub a lot, so I would *have* to upgrade. (It proved to be us indestructible as my old Nokia 3310), and still boots up (tho you can’t see anything on the screen…)!
Le iPhone3g
Looking forward to getting my next Kickstarter reward!
So it’s 2012 a new year and time to make those all important new years resolutions. It’s pretty simple for me this year, basically it comes down to sort life out.
Quite a lot of things are a bit half done, not running properly and in general a bit of a mess, my bedroom for example is a bit of a hell hole but I can get to my Xbox and my bed and that’s all I need. Buts that’s not how it should be.
So next year, well this coming year, I’m pledging to sort my life out. Starting with my room.
And of course to write on my blog more….
Hopefully with part of sorting my life out I’ll be able to play around with more side and personal projects which I’ll then in turn be able to write about.
Starting with Spotify Roulette and then a new version of jQuery coverflow.
Then some Minecraft things I think, but we will see!
Might do it in a different order or if a new project comes along…
And not forgetting keeping an eye out for more freelance work.