Google Summer of Code 2010

Google Summer of Code 2010 is on!

So, Google Summer of Code 2010 is nearly upon us, the mentoring organisation application period is now open!

Initially been looking at projects I have been involved with before, work on now, or do at the moment, or similar parent orgs.

I’m sad to say that AptitudeCMS, my project last year, is now no more. But its parent org Geeklog is still with us, (AptitudeCMS was supposed to be GeekLog 2).

Geeklog is a PHP CMS, and my main thoughts for going for Geeklog this year is, due to being involved with Aptitude last year, and some of the possible project ideas look interesting and I have some knowledge and expertise on, given that it is a PHP CMS, and they tend to run in to similar problems.

So, just waiting to see which organisations get accepted this year, to fully decide on a project to go for this year. As well as work around my finals for my degree.

So time to break out the Green Tea!

See you in #gsoc on Freenode

Curl, MusicBrainz and PHP

A quick block of PHP to fetch MusicBrainz ID for a song and artist based on Song Data.

As part of the New Years Resolutions I didn’t make.

I’m updating my blog with some Code Snippets!

Been fiddling about with my PHP powered Jukebox that plays out on (Leeds Student Radio) Overnight, and there is a need for a bulk track adder.

So, I’ve been tidying up the MusicBrainz Data Fetcher, as well as fiddling with PHP and getting ID3 tags from Files. But thats a different blog post.

Essentially there is a (new-ish non updated recently) PHP Library for the interaction with MusicBrainz, (A music database), recently found that (this morning its rubbish), but of no good.

So went back to my curl method.

Tidyied it up and got it down to a few less lines.

Essentially for a given track, the PHP extracts the ID3 tags, and then passes it to this function: (its needs making into a function btw :-P)

$curl = new curl();

$data = array(
	'title'		=> 'Showdown',
	'artist'	=> 'Pendulum',
	'release'	=> 'In Silico',
	'duration'	=> 327784,
//	'tracknumber'	=> 0,
//	'count'		=> 10,
//	'releasetype'	=> '',

	'limit'		=> 25,
	'limit'		=> 1,
$target = '';
foreach ($data as $ref => $dat) {
	$target .= '&' . $ref . '=' . urlencode($dat);

                                $mb = $curl->bodyarray['metadata'];

if (isset($mb['track-list'])) {
	$mb = $mb['track-list'];

	if (isset($mb['track']['0'])) {
		$mb = $mb['track'];
		$artist_id = $mb['0']['artist_attr']['id'];
		$song_id = $mb['0_attr']['id'];
	} else {
		$artist_id = $mb['track']['artist_attr']['id'];
		$song_id = $mb['track_attr']['id'];
} else {
	// no data

echo "\n" . $artist_id . ' ' . $song_id;

Where new curl() just calls my Curl Class.

I’m sure you have your own ways of doing curl, but mine just sets the target with $curl->target and curlexec() with $curl->runit.

The result is in $curl->body, or exploded nicely as an array in $curl->bodyarray. I’ll post about my curl later! As well as some other Carlyon_CMS stuff.

So thats a quick rough and ready way to get a artist and song ID from MusicBraiz.

Its worth noting that since my limit is st to 1.

The first option of if (isset($mb[‘track’][‘0’]) is entirely redundant, as that only triggers when mb returns more than 1 result.

(I only just added limit before writing this post, which is where I decided to write this post)

The MusicBrainz Docs for its XML service is at: If your Interested!